Rapport du Président AGM 2021

January 31, 2022

These were the words spoken by our president during our digital AGM which took place on 11 December 2021.

Rapport du Président Alumni Europae ASBL, Monsieur Reinhold Ziegler

Assemblée Générale – Samedi 11 Décembre 2021, 16H CET

1. Welcome to all of you

À vous tous, Alumni et Alumnae Europae, actuellement plus de 5.300 de nôtres éparpilllés partout en Europe, de plus en plus aux USA et autour du Monde entier: Bienvenue à notre, votre Assemblée Génerale.

To all of you, more than 5.300 fellows, wherever you are, in Europe, increasing in the USA and around the world: a very warm welcome to our, your AGM.

This is our second digital AGM. Covid stimulates us even more to be united, to stand up for our goals and to be a dynamic community of Europeans.

2. Alumni Europae, why?

We are delighted, that you have joined Alumni Europae. We, the board, sincerely hope to meet your expectations. Tell us please where we missed your expectations and help us to improve what we deliver. It’s our duty to get better year by year.

And first of all, let me address the greetings from our Honorary Member Ursula von der Leyen to our network. She is proud, herself, to belong to this unique community.

What do we do? What are we struggling for ? Why joining us?

First of all, we take care of our friends and contacts we gained while staying at the European School. Time goes by, friendships remain.

We keep the contacts alive. We share the same values, we are committed Europeans. The seniors among us support the juniors when the bacheliers leave their schools and start to study. We love to meet. A good reason for our local chapters in Paris, Frankfurt, London, Luxemburg and Brussels to organise a „pot de l’amitié“ and to share an evening together.

Great things start while sharing memories and a glass together.

The more we grow, the more alumni and alumnae from all the European Schools meet, the more we share the feeling to attend a very unique community. Though growing, we feel to belong to a solid community.

Our network covers an impressive range of experiences, of competencies and most of all: the readiness to share these resources with the members of the network.

A terrific argument for Alumni Europae is double: 1. To preserve long-year friendships first.


2. To gain new ones, from other European Schools, from other shores, with new priorities – but still communicating openly, trustfully and friendly as we all are used to communicate.

This is unique.

I can’t insist enough on it: we all share the same values for a better, European future. And we want it in our daily life.

(Full rapport please see uploaded document)