Alumni News

December 23, 2014

In the newsletter

THE FIRST 1650 MEMBERS – The increase in membership has accelerated since the General Assembly: we grew by almost 72%, form 933 members in July, up to 1650 mid-December. Of the 667 new members, 80 completed their profile, thus strengthening our network and our sharing capacity (couch-surfing, educational- and professional tips). We very much encourage this: the more each one of us completes her/his personal data, the more we can mean to each other and to others.


– We are proud to announce “London Calling”, our first ever event in the UK dedicated solely to entertain former European School students and their cool friends.

Save the Date: 28th of March 2015. Location: London

Super early bird tickets are on offer


Join the facebook event


Also, we need creative, artsy and organisational people to make this event a night to remember: click


and get involved.

London Calling


Webpage for SE Alumni in London

– Will this be the first step in the direction of a Chapter in London? In mid-October, Frederico Vasconcelos Faria created a webpage for SE Alumni in London «

For more info

» . The idea was to unite European School Alumni in a city like London – «where the European Union is perhaps not always well regarded upon» – and to start organising events. AE welcomes and supports the initiative. We also share Frederico’s hope that «in a near future people start creating similar pages in other cities across Europe and start networking».

Le nouveau plan stratégique est arrivé

– «Finally we have a document that we can share with all our partners on our strategy!» écrit notre ‘francophone president’ Olivier. «Many thanks to Thomas and Alba who have written it, to Barbara (my wife) who has kindly accepted to review the text from a formal point of view and to Mik’s team who has formatted it! You can now distribute it to whoever asks for it and be proud of it.»

Au bon entendeur…

Networks & Ambassadors

– Promotion via networks such as StayFriends and LinkedIn continues. A couple of AE members volunteered to work on the creation of a subgroup for entrepreneurs. Others work on a network of ‘AE Ambassadors’ in the countries where Alumni are living. Our first Ambassador is …

Isabella Foletto

in Italy. At the same time, our acting ambassador in Germany

Reinhold Ziegler

is looking for a deputy / successor. Candidate ambassadors, please write to the



ES Bergen at the Drongo Festival

– Several pupils and teachers of the nursery and primary classes of Bergen in September went to the Drongo Festival in Amsterdam. At the festival, which is about bilingual education, their multilingual film “The Hungry Caterpillar” was screened and three of our S7 students gave “speed language lessons” in Italian, Bulgarian and Portuguese.

Referencing on ES websites

– Every month, we monitor where and how the AE website is referenced on Internet. Since we started the exercise with the European School websites, the situation improved. In October, only 6 out of 14 sites we visited had a clear link to AE and its website, but ,since early December,

AE is clearly referenced on all ES websites


AE au Forum des métiers d’EEB 1

– Nous avons participé au premier Forum des métiers nouvelle mouture organisé, le 15 novembre dernier dans l’EE d’Uccle. Les organisateurs espèrent “que les intervenants ont eu plaisir à partager leur passion et que les élèves voient mieux aujourd’hui ce qu’ils feront demain”. Nous recevrons prochainement un questionnaire de feedback destine à adapter la prochaine édition au mieux aux besoins des élèves.

Next Professions Forum / Forum des métiers

– We received the following message from a group of parents at the ‘Brussels III’ School in Ixelles, who “are planning to hold a Forum des métiers – Alumni Evening in March 2015, with the help of alumni and the school’s Careers Guidance Service. Students from S5-S6-7 will be have access to a range of career ideas and professions. There will also be advice and testimonials on Gap Years. ES Alumni that are available to talk informally about their profession, please contact

Joanna Maguire-Charlat

/ +32 495 20 70 57.



– As you will see below, contributions from our members increased: we received press articles, announcements, suggestions and questions. Had we been able to publish more issues of this newsletter, than we would have been able to announce more events. We managed to double our one-man editorial team who processes your messages, so keep writing to


and keep in touch on our


. Also, we’d be very grateful if you could let us know in which extent we meet your needs – especially after having

read our new business plan

– and what else you’d expect us to do: there is matter for thought in the articles and questions below.

Photos of events

– we just received photos of le ‘Santa Lucia walk’ in the Luxemburg-Mamer school, with the following account from Chiara Fiori: «We were delighted to witness the annual Santa Lucia walk on December 9th. Soft voices could be heard throughout the whole school, bringing a bright and tender atmosphere to our morning. We gladly thank the Danish girls for letting us become part of this festivity.»

Santa Lucia

Photos de classe

– Nous avons aussi reçu deux photos de classe d’Alba Morganti, avec le commentaire suivant: « Voici deux photos de classe prises à Bruxelles I.

La photo plus petite a été prise en 1984 lors d’un cours d’histoire-géo en 1ère langue véhiculaire français.

Histoire Geo

La plus grande (où nous sommes plus nombreux, dans la cour de l’école) représente la 7ème IT B, lors de l’année scolaire 1985/1986.»

7ème IT B

Alba propose par ailleurs «de lancer une sorte d’appel ‘à témoins’ où chacun essaye de s’identifier ou d’identifier celles et ceux qu’il reconnaît dans la photo. » C’est écrit : nous attendons

les premières réactions
