Culham Farewell festival

May 20, 2017

Culham Farewell festival

In true British fashion, it rained most of the day. But, that did not deter an estimated 2,000 (ex) pupils, (ex) parents, (ex) teachers and (ex) admin staff from attending the closing festival of the European School Culham. (Photos of some of the current S7s with the school secretary Gill Brook – photo credits to Gill Brook)

In between rain showers, people came out of the tents and mingled in groups on the field and in the Harry Potter-style quadrangle. Statements such as ‘I haven’t seen you in ages!’ ; ‘haven’t you grown!’ ; ‘what do you

now?!’ ; ‘oh yes I saw that on your Facebook/Twitter/Instagram page [delete as appropriate]’ were thrown around all day. Funny stories were re-told, memories brought back to life and old faces remembered. ‘Who is that old man over there? I can’t remember his name!’

The school’s talent for cookery, sport, art and music was also demonstrated through bake sales (prepared by many mothers and fathers), volleyball matches, artexhibitions and live performances ranging from pop to opera. (Cake sale – photo credits to Gill Brook)

A dry spell of weather in the early evening allowed certain alumni (who shall remain anonymous) to start a conga line in front of the stage while salsa music played in the background. (Photo of some of the Bac 2011 year – photo credits to Francesco Gallo).

The festival ended with a bang or two thanks to a firework display (in the rain) across the road then the party really started with DJs Gino, TJ and Douglas. (Photo of fireworks- credit to Guy Janaway)