Faces behind Alumni Europae – Questionnaire answered by Martine Reicherts.

February 13, 2022

It’s time for women to get in the picture! Yes!

The board mandate of three amazing women is about to end at the next AGM (General Assembly). We are honored that they invested their wisdom, senior expertise and enthusiasm to the benefit of Alumni Europae.

Welcome to one of them: Martine Reicherts.

Picture shows Martine Reicherts.

Thank you, Martine Reicherts, for answering our „Faces behind Alumni Europae Questionnaire“.

Your mandate as Board Member of Alumni Europae ASBL ends with the next AGM (General Assembly).

We are honoured that you invested your wisdom, senior expertise and enthusiasm for the benefit of Alumni Europae. Thank you!

Thank you also for your time and for sharing your thoughts with us:

Which European School are you from?

Luxembourg, baccalauréat 1975.

Which apprenticeship or studies did you decide to do after school?

I studied law in France.

What is your feeling when you hear many languages around you?

I live it and feel at home!

How do you respond to the career tip “stay as you are”?

I could not agree more! That tip helped me a lot.

Are you rather “everybody”s darling” or “a person with clear ideas and their own profile”? Why?

People like me or hate me! I have a strong personality and clear ideas! Must be my natural choice!

“Europe” – which is the first thought that comes to mind?

A ideal we have to fight for!

What was the most important “lesson learnt” from your time at a European School?

The best place to practice multiculturalism!

Do you think it was an advantage to grow up and learn at a European School?


Your favourite painter?

Van Gogh.

Your strategy when it comes to turbulences?

What’s the issue here and now?

Your favourite composer?


Which person do you most admire (alive or deceased)?

Dalaï Lama.

Preferred quote, aphorism?

Be the change to want to see in the world!

Your recommendation for the next generation for personal and professional development?

Trust yourself and don’t make it cheap!

If you were to write a book – what would be its title? What would be its story?

My professional life in the European Commission and other details.

Would you prefer a “good lunch in a lousy hotel” or a “lousy lunch in a good hotel”?

And I prefer a good lunch in a good restaurant…

Appreciation – is this important, and why?

Yes, appreciation is a form of respect and empathy.

Reliability – is this important, and why?

All is about confidence in this question.

If you could spend 1 Mil Euros for a project – which one would it be?

A center for kids in a developing country.

Do you have some book recommendations?

Books on yoga, but don’t forget to practice.

———————————— Thank you!