Founder under fire

April 4, 2016

EN FR Interview with Thomas Fairhurst –

Name, nationality !

Fairhurst … Thomas … French Irish British

Birth !

In Uccle, Belgium (to complicate matters) in the late 80s.

Education !

The European School Brussels 1 in Uccle, in the Anglophone section, from kindergarten in 1994 until the bac in 2006.

Happy with it ?

Yes, the school is a second family for me: I met friends for life and received a quality education. I was also elected president of the then students Committee, and COSUP. I really enjoyed my time there.

And after the Bac ?

I wanted to take a sabbatical year, but my father did not really agree, but I still took it: after selling Christmas trees and being a waiter in a hotel, I took a taste to education … So I enrolled at university in Manchester, Economics and political Science. But I soon returned to Brussels where lived my family and friends, to take courses at ULB for two years.

You know why I ask you ?

Yes, because it is precisely during this period that I founded the Alumni Association Alumni Europae, with two friends.

Tell me more !

In fact, there was already a former students  association Euresco but it had stalled. During a holiday in Spain, visiting the European School of Alicante, Karl and Ben, the two friends, and I, all alumni of Bxl1, saw Manuel Bordoy after Kari Kivinen put us in contact. We were strongly encouraged to create an alumni association of European schools.

And then ?

Back in Brussels, one thing leading to another, we did a lot of interesting meetings: Kari Kivinen, general secretary of the Central Bureau, Catherine Robba, deputy mayor of Uccle l but also active in European schools, the group of Vertchassuriens, the early students  of the Uccle school,  and among them members of the Alumni of the school of Saint Michel, including Michael Stenger, now member of the board, who gave us their support and valuable advice for creating Alumni Europae who was born in late 2011.

Congratulations! And now ?

After a detour to Geneva, I was recruited by the Consulate of France in Brussels, where I occupy a position of responsibility. I am of course still a member of Alumni Europae and the Board as Secretary. Many things are happening at the moment and I am sure the association will make more and more in the very near future.

Thomas Fairhust

Philippe Calais

Vous savez pourquoi je vous interroge ?

Oui, parce que c’est justement pendant cette période que nous avons fondé l’association Alumni Europae, deux amis et moi-même.

Racontez-moi ça !

En fait, il existait déjà une association, Euresco, mais qui était en perte de vitesse. Au cours de vacances en Espagne, en visitant l’école européenne d’Alicante, Karl et Ben, les « deux amis », et moi, tous anciens élèves de Bxl1, avons vu Manuel Bordoy après avoir été mis en contact par Kari Kivinen qui nous a vivement encouragés à créer une association d’anciens élèves des écoles européennes.

Et alors ?

De retour à Bruxelles, de fil en aiguille, nous avons fait beaucoup de rencontres intéressantes : Kari Kivinen, secrétaire général du Bureau central, Catherine Robba, échevine d’Uccle mais aussi active dans les écoles européennes,  les Vertchassuriens (autre association limitée aux anciens de BXL1) et parmi eux des membres des Alumni  de l’école Saint Michel de BXL, dont Michael Stenger, qui nous donneront tous leur appui et des conseil précieux pour la création d’Alumni Europae qui voit le jour fin 2011.

Félicitations ! Et maintenant ?

Après un détour par Genève, j’ai été recruté par le Consulat de France à Bruxelles où j’occupe un poste de responsabilité. Je suis bien sûr toujours membre d’Alumni Europae et du Board en tant que secrétaire. Beaucoup de choses se passent pour le moment et je suis sûr que l’association fera de plus en plus dans un avenir très proche.

Thomas / Philippe