Dec. 2, 2019

Local Chapter Facebook

Welcome to the official Facebook page for (former) European School students based in Amsterdam. Let's connect!  Read more...
Nov. 22, 2019

New housing and European School planned for former Nato site

It will become home to some 3,000 people and include a new European school. News article: The Bulletin  Read more...
Oct. 10, 2019

European school in Bergen may be moving, Amsterdam schools unite for expats

The European Union-backed school in Bergen may be moving from its present location in four to five years time, officials have confirmed to  Read more...
Oct. 8, 2019

OPINION: Speaking multiple languages should be a requirement, not a bonus

by Ottilia Nummelin former student of ES Luxembourg 
Sept. 18, 2019

ERR's Vikerraadio to mark European language day with song competition

Tallinn European School children, together with music teacher Ivi Rausi, due to sing "Pippi Longstocking" in 13 different languages, part of a competition to mark European Day of Languages.  Read more...
Sept. 4, 2019

Power plays, personal ambitions and hard feelings: The consequences of a no-deal Brexit crash out

While von der Leyen and Johnson seem as different as chalk and cheese, they have more in common than meets the eye. Both lived in Brussels as a child. Both attended the city’s European School.  Read more...
Sept. 2, 2019

Feature: Interest in International Schools Growing in Slovenia

Among the many primary and secondary schools children can go to in Slovenia, there are also several international schools, which are mostly intended for foreigners. Interest in them has been growing, also among Slovenian children, so this year they will have 600 students.  Read more...
July 23, 2019

"Boris Johnson’s views about my education feel like a kick in the face"

Mark Griffin, alumnus of ES Culham, has a European School education in common with Boris Johnson, but it is fair to say it has not left them seeing eye to eye  Read more...
July 16, 2019

Ursula von der Leyen - President of European Commission

Congratulations to Ursula von der Leyen, alumna of European School of Brussels I, for her election as the next president of the European Commission! Vive l’Europe!  Read more...
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