
May 14, 2013

May edition

Mot du Président

Cette année nous fêtons le 60ème anniversaire du système des écoles européennes. Cela fait maintenant 54 ans que les élèves obtiennent le baccalauréat au sein des écoles européennes, qui a l”époque n”en comptait que vingt-trois mais qui maintenant en compte près de 50,000. L”idée que fut les écoles européennes est maintenant une réalité, une réalité qui ne cesse de s”agrandir avec des nouvelles écoles sans cesse en construction.

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The European School: The Story So Far

Luxembourg, April 13th, 2013. Former students from the European School of Luxembourg, and many besides from further afield, gathered at the site where, 60 years prior, an ambitious, idealistic, but wholly necessary step in Europe”s recovery from the Second World War was taken. The creation of an experimental model of education rooted in principles of cooperation and supranationalism was unprecedented and pioneering.

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60th anniversary of the European Schools

Luxembourg I celebrated its 60th anniversary this year. Below is a short word from the headmistress, Toula Vassilacou.

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Bergen 50th anniversary events

On 16 October 1963 the European School in Bergen opened its doors for the first time to support the newly opened Joint Research Centre in Petten. The school was located in a wooden temporary building with five rooms, five nursery pupils, five primary pupils, three teachers, a secretary, a concierge and a Belgian director, Mr Plastria. The school expanded in the temporary building to 18 classrooms, and the aim was to build a permanent building within three years.

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Events around the Schools

As well as the events at Luxembourg and Bergen, several other celebrations were held to mark this anniversary year for so many schools.

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How European are European School Alumni? By Sarah Harvey-Kelley

We encourage all former students who wish to contribute to the Alumni Europae newsletter, be it if they have something to say about the schools or Europe, or wish to share their own experiences at the school and how these have shaped their lives. In AE inaugural newsletter, our first contributor is European School Brussles I alumnus, Sarah Harvey-Kelley.

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European Year of Citizens – MEET

Over the past year, Alumni Europae has been involved in the promotion of the European Citizens” Initiative for a High Quality European Education for All known under the acronym MEET, (Movement for a European Education Trust) The European Citizens” Initiative is a new concept that was installed under the Lisbon Treaty which allows for ordinary citizens backed by at least one million EU citizens, coming from at least 7 out of the 27 member states to invite the European Commission to propose legislation on matters where the EU has competence to legislate.

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The European Schools – a European vision accomplished

The European Schools were established in a time of relative political and diplomatic turmoil; Europe was reeling from the bloodiest conflict the world has ever seen, fought between neighbouring nations who had been at war for centuries. The nationalistic paradigm driving the politics of the pre-European Community (EC) era was arguably one of the most significant factors behind our turbulent history. With the culmination of the Second World War, it became clear that different European nations needed to drastically change their relationships with each other.

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