Local Chapters Meeting - Minutes & Takeaways
Zoom Meeting
31 August 2020, 19:15 (CET)
Alexander Zammit, Carlo Giudice (Brussels), Laura Alcaide (Madrid), Jean Gasc (London), Thomas Fairhurst (Netherlands)
Since Laura has a professional Zoom account, this Chapter Meeting was recorded and can be found in the Google Drive as a point of reference along with the minutes.
Tour de Table – Chapter Lead Update
Nothing physical can be done. COVID measures have become stricter in Belgium with a reduction of people allowed at events. As such, no AE events are planned as of yet. Once the Belgian authorities allow group events, Carlo will look to organise something.
Madrid was a “ghost town” throughout July and August and there were barely any Alumni around. Not sure how it will be September but it is expected to be a lot better. Laura will be setting up the webpage in the coming weeks and might organise a virtual event as this would be a good time to do it. It should also be easier to organise events now than in summer. She will keep us informed.
Jean tried to create the Alumni FB page but the URL was already taken. Jean has since been messaging the holders of the FB Alumni account asking them to become an Admin. They have replied positively to the message but are awaiting further details. In the meantime, Jean has set up an Instagram and Gmail account and is in contact with many London Alumni. The transition/changeover from Alice to Jean has been good. There are no events expected due to COVID-19.
Thomas still does not have access to the Alumni FB page. In the meantime, he has reached out to everyone registered to AE in the Hague via Facebook but received no reply. Eventwise, everything is currently on hold.
Greece (Athens/Thessaloniki)
AE Chapter Lead Article
In the last meeting, Alexander proposed to create an article on the local chapters for the AE website and Newsletter. This article will announce and introduce the new Chapter leads and the work being done and evolution of AE, particularly since the covid lockdown. Alexander has taken the lead on this and started writing it but all chapter leads will be consulted and asked to contribute (via the Google Drive). After this “launcher” article, every month a Chapter lead will be selected (or volunteer) to write their own article, providing an update of their particular Chapter according to Chapter Lead motivation and frequency of events. This idea was agreed by the AE Board and the deadline for the article to be handed in is 16-18 September 2020.
AE Board Update/AE General Assembly
There was nothing in particular to report from the AE Board and no messages to convey back to the Board. The participants were asked about attending the AE General Assembly in October and told to consult the date poll on the FB.
AE Website/Social Media
A question was raised about gaining access to the AE main Website where it was explained that the website developers are in Germany. However, we have full control of the web page.
Jean spoke about the proposed mentorship scheme asking about a mechanism on how alumni can log in and sign up. Thomas provided the links and will give rights to Jean to adjust the website settings.
Next call: tentative proposal for 28 September 2020, 6pm (CET).