November edition

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ALumni Europae

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1- News, Stammtische, Events. 
2- New European School in Denmark. 
3- First meetup in Athens. Maria-Louiza Laopodi 
4- Bouquet. Philippe Calais 
5- Kommunizieren heute! Reinhold Ziegler 
6- New and Active Area for the Alumni Europea Organisation. Adriana Vitale 
7- Ciao a voi da Alumni Europae ! Olivier Brissaud 


Les prochains Stammtische/events auront lieu : 

à Athens Wednesday December 23d 2015 at 21.00 (see below, point 3) 
à Bruxelles au Kwak le mercredi 16 décembre à 19h. Pour plus d’infos, cliquez ici 
à Londres le 27 novembre Following the success of last year’s reunion party, we are doing a second run of London Calling! Please join us on Friday April 15th 2016 and share laughs, memories, some great food and a couple of glasses of wine. 
It promises to be a great evening. Tickets will be limited, so register your interest to and receive first right of purchase. 
à Maastricht le 1°décembre à l’Irish Pub Saint Peter (Contact:
à Madrid Stammtisch AE Madrid, 9 de diciembre 2015, 19h00 - Casa Mono, Calle Tutor, 37, 28008 Madrid (Contact: ) 


new European School in Copenhagen

Danish brewer Carlsberg owns the site, which is being completely redeveloped. The project has a contract value of over €40m (£28m) and the client is developer Carlsberg Byen. 

The former Carlsberg brewery complex is situated close to Copenhagen’s city center. Carlsberg moved its beer production to Jutland in 2008, except for Jacobsen House Brewery, where special beers are brewed. 

The 30ha area is being redeveloped into Carlsberg City, based on a masterplan by the Danish architecture agency Entasis. Historic buildings are being preserved in the new district, which is also providing houses, shops, cultural and facilities, offices and an educational campus with a new railway station. 

The European School will have seven storeys, including two underground floors, with a total area of 14,000m2. The building will accommodate 900 students, divided into primary and secondary education, and includes teaching and practice rooms, an auditorium, a sports hall and other facilities. The two-floor basement has 270 parking spaces and extends below an adjacent parcel, where another building will be developed. 

BAM Danmark expects to hand over the project to the city of Copenhagen in August 2018. 


When: Wednesday December 23d 2015 at 21.00 
Where: Glaros Tapas Bar (next to Hilton Hotel & Evangelismos Metro station) 
Entrance*: 18 euros - Buy your ticket HERE 
Can I bring my partner or friends? Sure! You can buy up to 2 tickets! And the earlier you book, the better we can plan the event! 
Dress code: Festive 
*Ticket reservation includes entrance, one cocktail and unlimited tapas! 
All proceeds will be donated to a.s.b.l. Alumni Europae based in Brussels which supports networking between alumni across the world. 

Maria-Louiza Laopodi BAC’97 European School Brussels 1, Alumni Ambassador for Greece 
Stephania Xydia BAC’05 European School Luxembourg 1 With the support of the association Alumni Europae ASBL, No. d'entreprise: 0840.729.187 skype : 0840.729.187 FREE, Av. Huart Hamoir 48, 1030 Bruxelles 

Maria-Louiza Laopodi Mob +30 6937 010 294 Skype +30 6937 010 294 My Blog:

Nous faisons appel, et nous le ferons pour chaque Newsletter, aux compétences et à l’aide de tous les bénévoles quel que soit le pays qui voudraient donner un peu de leur temps pour nous aider dans notre travail de Sisyphe… Merci d’avance.


Pray for Paris

L’actualité sanglante récente en plus de la profonde compassion que nous ressentons pour les victimes et leur famille nous rappelle que la radicalisation des terroristes trouve l’une de ses explications dans l’absence de respect mutuel qui pousse des jeunes à choisir la violence et la mort comme avenir. Déracinés, culturellement et socialement, cette jeunesse désespérée trouve comme unique point d’ancrage une religion qu’ils défigurent et comme unique possibilité d’action l’explosion et le bain de sang. Comme nous sommes loin de l’idéal poursuivi par les EE depuis plus de cinquante ans, l’éducation d’un citoyen européen, intimement conscient de sa diversité et de celle des autres.
Le bain plurilingue dans lequel sont plongés les élèves des EE depuis leur plus jeune âge forme la partie la plus visible, spectaculaire de cette entreprise. 
Mais le respect, voire l’amitié, pour ne pas dire l’amour que cette coexistence attentive et précoce à entraînés sont inestimables même si moins visibles. Le fameux « connais-toi toi-même » de Socrate passe par un « connaissons-nous nous-mêmes » car comment se connaître sans partager le point de vue de l’autre sur soi-même et vice versa. 

Ces jeunes qui tuent d’autres jeunes à des terrasses de café ou dans une salle de spectacle, en plein concert, en musique, ou se font exploser, cherchent dans la mort et son silence assourdissant une communication impossible. Parler plusieurs langues c’est d’abord écouter plusieurs pensées, jouir d’une vision multi angulaire, panoramique, thermique aussi ! Quoi de plus chaud, de plus vivant que de reconnaître dans le brouhaha la mélodie particulière d’une langue étrangère que vous comprenez, filon coloré dans la masse uniforme, charme toujours renouvelé. 

Notre Newsletter se veut l’image de ce kaléidoscope linguistique et culturel, où langues de Goethe, Dante, Molière ou Shakespeare se côtoient dans un mélange aussi joyeux qu’organisé. La pax europensis sera faite de ce bouquet polychrome qui couvrira le vacarme monotone de la terreur. 

Ph Calais 


Wir sind, per heute, ca. 2.300 Mitglieder in unserem Social Netzwerk. Darüber freuen wir uns und wollen weiter wachsen. Wachsen ist ein immanentes Gen einer gesunden Organisation und ich lerne jeden Tag mehr in dieser Hinsicht. Ich würde gerne diese Kommunikationserfahrungen mit unseren Mitgliedern diskutieren um zu erfahren, wie heute eine optimale „Ansprache“ aussehen müsste. Seit Beginn des Aufbaues der Alumni Europae bemerke ich: 

1. Unsere Diskussion/Ansprache ist völlig unterschiedlich je nachdem ob wir mit „seniors“, also solchen      Alumni kommunizieren, die vor der e-mai-Era aufgewachsen sind 
2. Die „tools“ unserer Kommunikation haben sich dramatisch verändert. Bitte denkt an die      „vervielfältigten“ Texte, die wir postalisch verschickt haben. Was hat das gekostet; wie langsam war der      ganze Prozess. 
3. Die Spontaneität hat sich dramatisch verändert. Dass wir heute unser Netzwerk überhaupt aufbauen      können, ist m.E. fast zu 100% auf die neuen technischen Hilfsmittel zurückzuführen. 

Aber es gibt auch stabile Faktoren, die den Erfolg eines Netzwerkes und seines Aufbaus bedingen: 

1. Es muss gemeinsame Werte geben 
2. Das individuelle Interesse am Netzwerk muss mit vielen anderen geteilt werden 
3. Es basiert auch auf der Kooperationswilligkeit der Mitglieder. Ich glaube, wir haben gute Gründe auch      mit Freude und Stolz auf unsere gemeinsame Ausbildung an den jeweiligen EE zu schauen. 

Wir arbeiten im board intensiv daran zu definieren, wie wir kommunizieren (müssen). Wir sprechen aber auch ganz deutlich aus, dass wir alle unsere Mitglieder zwar herzlich aber auch nachhaltig einladen, uns zu helfen und bitten „passez la bonne parole“. Früher nannte man es „le téléphone arabe“, was wahrscheinlich die political correctness verbietet, idiotischerweise, weil es eine sehr sympathische Haltung ausdrückt, nämlich ein Gefühl des „all together“. Und das ist genau das Ziel, das wir alle verfolgen: Es ist nicht das Netzwerk einiger weniger, es ist UNSER Netzwerk. 
Mir erscheint es spannend zu erleben, wie sich die Dynamik einer Gruppe, mit gemeinsam erfahrener Ausbildung, entwickelt, in der Ansprache und im Austausch von Ideen. Es macht mich äußerst optimistisch, wenn ich mit den „juniors“ der AE zusammen treffe und realisiere, welche Potentiale, die wir eigentlich gemeinsam nutzen können, vorhanden sind. Diese success-stories sind häufig und ich lade Euch alle ein: sagt es weiter und helft uns mit einem Maximum von Interessierten zu kommunizieren. Tough but challenging story ! 
Fazit: Ladet Eure bekannten, die wir nicht finden können, herzlich ein! 

Good luck 

Reinhold Ziegler 


Adriana Vitale, 15.11.15 
The AE Family Goes “Social”

My name is Adriana Vitale, I study in Maastricht (Netherlands) and finishing my last year of European Law School Bachelor program. Before I started studying in Maastricht, I was a Frankfurt European School student, in Germany. After having been introduced by this beautiful AE organization to their various actions and plans for the future, I decided I had to become an active part in realizing their goal, which has slowly developed to be part of my goals. Since September I was honorably given the position of ambassador of the Maastricht Area, and mostly linked to the European School of Bergen European Recently. Recently, I have was also honored with the role in taking the job of strategy and organization for a new Social Networking Committee which was missing, with the great help of Thomas Fairhurst and Gregory Dersken (two very popular names within the AE group due to both their active involvement and successful work for the AE). As a Social Network Committee, we will have a twofold advantage: 

1. Increasing visibility and; 
2. Understanding better who wants to join AE, for what reason and how they have heard about this Group.

To visualize what we actually mean by this, and to demonstrate that we are not only talks in 2016, I would like to introduce you to an action which is currently being organized in Maastricht: 
On December the 1st 2015, Maastricht will be holding an organized meeting for European School students at our famous student pub, the “Irish pub St. Peter”. Here we have gathered, through a Facebook page alumni’s Europe wide, which study in Maastricht. At the pub I will be introducing them to the AE work, and I will show them not only our Facebook page which they can share their ideas with, but also ask them what they would think it would be a more attractive idea to do…but doing this we will slowly try to organize a AE Committee of Maastricht with different tasks and jobs to spread around the Benelux area of Europe (From Brussels, Luxembourg, Amsterdam). 

Ultimately, as a surprise and for the first time ever, I will be introducing them to the first Instagram account of the Alumni Europeae. In this way we will provide a database in which photos can be automatically updated through Facebook and Instagram, and start creating a commune picture web from the first European School students to the present students. By doing this, we will be able to connect with individuals who share our same values, experiences and ideas which will allow students and past students to comment and share thoughts and fun memories! 

This is only the beginning of a new Social networking area to increase the awareness of the fantastic project of the AE family, and we cannot wait to see how far this project will be at this time next year! 

The Social Networking Team 



Mi permetto di scrivervi per vedere con voi se volete/potete aiutarci a costituire un gruppetto di Alumni per rappresentarci presso la Scuola di Varese (ed i suoi organi, Direttore, Amministrazione, cosup) e più generalmente in Italia per fare crescere l'associazione. 

Qualche mese fà habbiamo lanciato il concetto di Ambasciatori di AE e i gruppi si costituiscono in Spagna, Germania, Olanda, a Londra ed Atene; tutto cio' lo saprete già se leggete la Newsletter, il cui capo redattore é Philippe Calais, un ex professore della Scuola di Varese (mio professore di Latino!) e che ora vive a Bruxelles. Volete diventare Ambasciatori? 

Cosa volgliamo? Aiutare gli studenti di 6 e 7ma a fare le scelte di studi, connettendoli con Alumni che hanno studiato in tale università tale disciplina in tale città; aiutare gli studenti in fine di studi a trovare interlocutori Alumni nel mondo del lavoro per orientarli; soddisfare la curiosità un po' nostalgica di certi tra di noi per ritrovare un tale o una tale dopo tanti annni ed infine promuovere il concetto della scuola europea. Non siamo assolutamente un'iniziativa commerciale e tutti quelli che lavorano con noi sono volontari. 

Tutto questo stà diventando possibile visto che siamo in crescita, oltre 2.000 iscritti sul sito, ma dovremmo essere molti di più per pesare nei network e presso gli organi delle scuole; il potenziale é di 55.000 ! Nel 2016 vorremmo crescere in modo significativo e per questo ci sono tante piste, tra le quali essere anche fisicamente più presenti nelle scuole Europee per spiegare i nostri obbiettivi, raccogliere adesioni presso le 6 e 7me che possono già iscriversi anche se non hanno ancora il Bac (gratis finché habbiamo troppo poco da proporre ovviamente), raccogliere doni (bisogna pagare il sito web, i flyers ecc), mobilitare gli Alumni che conoscete, fare circolare la Newsletter tra gli Alumni che conoscete e che non sono al corrente della nostra esistenza! 

In Germania (Francoforte, Karlsruhe e Monaco) a Madrid, a Londra, a Maastricht e a Bruxelles stiamo montando degli "Stammtische" , luogo dove ci si ritrova tra Alumni una volta al mese o (ogni due mesi fate voi) per condividere un momento di convivialità e magari riflettere a come sviluppare Alumni (vedi anche l'ultima Newsletter). 

             Se conoscete altri Alumni che potrebbero essere interessati fate circolare questo messaggio. 

             Se la cosa vi interessa rispondetemi pure! 

             A presto spero! 

Olivier Brissaud