Partners - cover image


We wouldn't be able to do this work without our partners.

European Schools

The Office of the Secretary-General of the European Schools' Website


Conseil Supérieur des Elèves ('CoSup' - which collectively represents the students of each school)! Imagine going over revision notes not only with your class, your section, or even your year, but with students from all the European Schools! How much more useful could that be?

Special thank you to our Sponsors:


Interparents - Association of the European Schools' Parents' Associations. 

APEEE Parents' Association
APEEE is a forum for dialogue and action open to all parents and all language sections together. Uccle Parents 
APEEE allows parents to participate actively on the different school decision making bodies and to promote « the families' perspective » in a variety of projects and extracurricular activities in which our children take part.

European School Bxl II Woluwe Parents' Association

European School Bxl II Woluwe Parents' Association

Associazione dei Genitori della Scuola Europea di Varese

Associazione dei Genitori della Scuola Europea
L'Associazione dei Genitori della Scuola Europea di Varese svolge un impegno significativo nella organizzazione della vita scolastica. Non ci sono solo le attività parascolastiche con 25 corsi organizzati e più di 300 partecipanti, ma ci sono tante attività per il benessere a Scuola.

Other Partner organisations include:
Europeans Throughout the World - ETTW

Europeans Throughout the World - ETTW - is a pan-European organisation for all European expatriats. This means for all European citizens, who live in another country than the one they were born in. It is an umbrella organisation of national and other associations which work for the same purposes as us.

ETTW was created in 1984 as an international ASBL under Belgian law.

We work for voting rights to all European expats in European elections, in national elections (either in their country of origin or their country of residence), for the possibility of having dual citizenship in all countries, for more assistance to Europeans outside the EU, and a number of other priorities.

We also welcome individual members, especially from European countries, where we have no national association as a member.


We are a group of ordinary European citizens who have joined together (MEET) to take advantage of an important new initiative set up by the Lisbon Treaty - the Citizens Initiative. The Citizens Initiative (CI) will provide a unique opportunity to enable citizens, for the first time, to request action on a specific issue in the form of a petition to the Commission. 

Le GUDEE est le Groupe Unitaire pour le Développement des écoles Européennes qui regroupe les associations des parents des élèves des Ecoles Européennes (EE), les comités de personnel et les syndicats des institutions européennes, des représentants des élèves, du personnel administratif et de service des EE, du bureau central des EE, les comités du personnel et syndicat de l'Office Européen des Brevets et des représentants des enseignants.